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In Obergefell v. Hodges the supreme Court chose to redefine marriage to include same sex couples. This is the exact opposite of what marriage has always been for thousands of years. In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus states, “Haven’t you read, that at the beginning the developer ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his dad and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ ? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. for that reason what God has joined together, let man not separate.” As Christians we know that this implies that marriage is between one man and one woman.
The left is persecuting Christians by forcing us to follow their immoral beliefs or else suffer consequences by getting fined. Liberals have also redefined “Freedom of Religion,” To these radicals who wish to fundamentally change our society, they believe that religion and faith ought to only be practiced within the places of worship and our homes. once we are outside of the home we need to obey their guidelines and keep our faith hidden. This is not how the founding fathers defined “Freedom of Religion.”
The first Amendment of the Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the totally free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the best of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
This implies that the government can not sponsor a religion or force it’s citizens to join a religion. The government also can not stop it’s citizens from practicing the religion of their choice, speak how they choose, publish what they choose, and get together in groups for any purpose.
Obergefell v. Hodges, is just the beginning of the U.S government avoiding “the totally free exercise,” of religion. It is also contributing to the breakdown of the family. Children need a male and female figure. having a mother and dad is essential for the safety, health and well being of all children. Dr. Jane Orient discusses this in much more detail in the following article.
Obergefell Fallout: Heather has two Daddies—and No Mommy
By, Jane M. Orient, M.D.
The destruction of the American family is much more likely a cause than a consequence of the gay-rights movement. but what began with easy divorce and widespread cohabitation may be brought to total meltdown with same-sex “marriage” and the idea that gender is “fluid.”
Government schools have already been indoctrinating children in the “new normal” with books likeHeather has two Mommies.
Radical cultural revolution hides behind corruption of the language. The word “parent,” for example, didn’t used to require the adjective “biological.” In biology, each of the two parents contributes half of their offspring’s DNA. It was the parental surrogates that needed an adjective, such as “adoptive” or “foster.”
Biologically, two mothers is an absurdity (although modern science is trying to create a hybrid mother out of one woman’s cell nucleus transplanted into another woman’s cytoplasm). but having no daddy in the home is tragically common. and in 2012, 40.7 percent of all American births, and 72.2 percent of births to non-Hispanic blacks occurred out of wedlock.
One purpose of matrimony is to establish paternity, although even with illegitimacy and divorce, the identity of the baby’s dad is typically known and recorded.
But with modern fertility treatments, especially in the context of same-sex liaisons, the baby’s daddy may be an anonymous sperm donor, picked from a catalog. and the child may never even know who her mother is.
What happens now that “love has won”? young boys with same-sex attractions can contemplate courtship, a hearts-and-flowers wedding ceremony, and a family. The child’s birth certificate might have entries for “parent 1” and “parent 2” instead of “mother” and “father.”
But somewhere there’s a woman who carried and nourished Heather for 9 months. very likely Heather is her child, but possibly not in the days of egg “donations” to help pay bills. except for medical personnel, the woman was alone when the seed was planted. There was no husband or dad to share the excitement of the baby’s first movements. It is unlikely that “parent 1” or “parent 2” sat with her as she laboreдюймовый А потом ребенок исчез. Мать или суррогат собрали зарплату, но она никогда не увидит танцевальный концерт и не получит карту в День матери. Где любовь к ней?
И где есть материнская любовь, она могла бы отдать ребенку? И любовь от дочетных бабушек и дедушек по материнской линии и тетушек и дядей, и любовь, которую ребенок мог бы дать им? Папа 2 может дать ей коробку сока, когда ей грустно, как в «Бродвейском шоу», но так ли это, как матеря и отцы, связанные с их собственной плотью и кровью?
Половина происхождения ребенка уничтожена, и многочисленные ее братья и сестры и сестры будут неизвестны. У нее может быть только один известный кровь, к одному члену однополой пары. Кроме того, она является атомированным элементом в матрице. Ее мать или папа были продавцом, а она – товар.
Это большая проблема для преподавателей, притворяющихся, что ничего не изменилось. Библия, конечно, должна быть удалена из учебной программы и даже библиотеки. Там слишком частот, и вопрос о том, кто порождает, кого воспринимают как чрезвычайно важные. И что закончить с мировой литературой с самого начала записанной истории, где персонажи – мужчины или женщины, у которых есть мать, папа и сложные семейные отношения, охватывающие поколения? Что из имен, таких как скандинавский Кристин Лаврансдаттер (дочь Лаврана) или еврейский «Бен» для «Сына», или российских оттенков, таких как Иванович для ребенка или Глебовна для дочери, полученных от имени отца?
Дети, воспитанные однополыми «родителями», не могут быть защищены от знаний о своей потере, не отчуждая их поколение от его культурного наследия, а также биологической реальности. Там нет старых книг о двух маме или двух папах.
Это смелый новый мир, где детям предоставляется социальная безопасность и номер безопасности, а не патронизм при рождении. «Мать» может даже стать непристойностью, как в романе Олдоса Хаксли. и любовь? Будет ли это то, что все должны чувствовать к Большому брату Оруэлла?